Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Maintaining a sense of humor

While the aim of this note was to let you know of sources of funny quotes. (Don't we all need it but later) I was struck this week when someone accused of vilfying someone else got into trouble with the court because they were laughing about what the accuser thought was a seriuos matter.

Been there yourself ??In your kitchen ?/ But not in some high powered court and with some wordmanagers in a Victorian court playing PC games over " what was said 'and what it all means . Could be a pretty busy court eh ? Bigger than the family court and all its wisdom ?

Maybe you know some examples of how we have to do both ( talk seriuos and funny) when we are really serious .If you can't laugh about things you take serioulsy, maybe you are taking things " too seriously" .- ie missing the audience .

Surely its not only wise counsel for me( when we find ourselves there or govts do ) but the country as well . Laugh , YES but lets bring it on when we need to too !!

But not take it to court ---- really !!!!!!!!1

Maybe you have to be kind of sckitzo to be normal/ balanced ?If that's the case our VIC govt is not balanced! What do you think ?

Any sites or just serious stuff about the country etc


At 3:27 PM , Blogger Modi said...

On seriuosly funny stuff see the post on My Girl Friday on


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