Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Maintaining a sense of humor

While the aim of this note was to let you know of sources of funny quotes. (Don't we all need it but later) I was struck this week when someone accused of vilfying someone else got into trouble with the court because they were laughing about what the accuser thought was a seriuos matter.

Been there yourself ??In your kitchen ?/ But not in some high powered court and with some wordmanagers in a Victorian court playing PC games over " what was said 'and what it all means . Could be a pretty busy court eh ? Bigger than the family court and all its wisdom ?

Maybe you know some examples of how we have to do both ( talk seriuos and funny) when we are really serious .If you can't laugh about things you take serioulsy, maybe you are taking things " too seriously" .- ie missing the audience .

Surely its not only wise counsel for me( when we find ourselves there or govts do ) but the country as well . Laugh , YES but lets bring it on when we need to too !!

But not take it to court ---- really !!!!!!!!1

Maybe you have to be kind of sckitzo to be normal/ balanced ?If that's the case our VIC govt is not balanced! What do you think ?

Any sites or just serious stuff about the country etc

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Don't be too discouraged-the media and men around you don't know much

One of the blessings of blogging is that you get to meet people who know and share so much more that is not so controlled on so much media. Share your stories and sites with us . Others will appreciate your contribution to something other than hype .email this week for an opportunity to join forces .